Formation Flying video for Anzac day

Did you notice planes flying in formation over Albany’s Peace Park on ANZAC Day? If you missed it make sure you check out the video here of the crew that were flying and the view from the ground here.

This year, Priya was the only female to fly with the rest of the civilian crew for the formation fly over during the commemoration service held in Albany, on the 26th April 2021. This has been a major milestone for her and one more to tick off the bucket list.

Click here to see the video of the 8 craft formation fly over. During formation flying the leader is the eyes, ears and mouth for all the other air crafts. Everyone else must follow exactly what the leader does to the split second while also trying to fly their own aeroplane. The wing tips are to be roughly 3 meters apart. To maintain separation and avoid turbulence there is a step down process where the aircraft behind the leader is lower than the leader. The aircraft below the 2nd tier of planes are even further down and so on.

Priya is an avid flyer and takes to the sky every chance she gets. She loves to fly over our beautiful local spots around Albany and the Great Southern, all the way up to Jandakot.

She hopes that more women will be encouraged to take to the skies.


February 2021- Start your year off the right way!

Welcome to our newsletter from the Ready Set Chiro Team.

Find us at 15 Aberdeen Street, Albany.

It's great to have such a welcoming clinic space to meet and treat all our valued clients. You'll find easy access and great parking at the rear.

Check out this awesome immunity boosting smoothie recipe!

This recipe is perfect, just in time for when kids go back to school and we go back to work.

Immunity Boosting Smoothie

  • 4 clementines, peeled

  • 1 ripe banana, sliced

  • 1 skinny carrot, 6 inch (15 cm), peeled and shaved

  • 1 piece fresh ginger, 1 inch (2 cm) peeled and minced

  • ¼ cup plain yogurt (60 g)

  • 1 tablespoon honey

  • salt, to taste

  • 1 ½ cups ice (190 g)


  1. Add the clementines, banana, carrot, ginger, yogurt, honey, salt, and ice to a blender.

  2. Blend until smooth.

  3. Serve in a glass or in a bowl topped with fresh fruit.

  4. Enjoy!

Click here for more information.

Straighten Up

Straighten Up is an ongoing community service initiative of the ACA, (Australian Chiropractors Association) and is an easy and enjoyable everyday program to improve your health and the way your body functions.

Straighten Up App

While your chiropractor can’t be there 24/7 correcting your posture, the new Straighten Up App can! Designed to act as ‘Your Pocket Chiropractor’, this app aims to address the growing posture issues and back pain problems faced by Australians.
The app is available on Android and Apple phones.

Click HERE for a video about the app!


We are constantly looking to improve our services to give you the best experience at Ready Set Chiro. In order to do this we require your feedback.
Thank you to those who have given us feedback directly.
It would be amazing if you showed us some love by sharing your great feedback here so we can help more people and have an even greater impact in the local community. 
Click here to leave a review


Drop by and 'Like' our Facebook page so you can keep up to date with what's happening here at the clinic, along with videos and general spinal health care tips. You can follow us here on Instagram too. 

Many of you are already communicating and requesting appointments via Facebook Messenger. We encourage this for those who find it an easy way to get hold of us.

Until next time, stay well and feel free to reach out if we can help you in any way.

Let us help you stay pain free and aligned.

Call today to book an appointment on 98 000 670

Holiday season stress - talk with Dr Wenzel.

At Ready Set Chiro we invited Dr Andrew Wenzel from Headspace, Albany to discuss some tips on how to navigate this year’s holiday season and dealing with mental health. Check out the talk here.

There is no doubt that the holiday season is stressful time of the year. Plus with the COVID restrictions, we are already at a heightened level of stress. Add on top of that the preparing to get the family together, the many functions to attend, the issues that may arise over family matters. This takes a toll on the body and mind. You may feel drained, anxious, angry or depressed. All these feeling are ok and most of the time you may be able to cope with them. Sometimes it may become overwhelming.

So how does Chiropractic have a role in mental health? Our hands on profession allows us to get to know the way your body moves and functions. This means that we can also notice subtle changes when the body is not functioning at its best. Our role as a chiropractor is to help remove interference to the nerve system so that the brain and body can communicate easily which can lead to better mind body functioning. We see many people who after an adjustment feel the need to cry. The relief experienced when the energy blockage is removed can produce a powerful emotional response. There is definitely a place for using your Chiropractor as part of your support team to help your body naturally.

If you are having trouble with your own mental health there are support services available such as Headspace, Beyond blue and lifeline for crisis care.

STRESS means different things to different people....

Stress… Something That Affects Almost Everyone

What causes stress in one person may be of little concern to another. We all handle stress in different ways. And, not all stress is bad. In small doses, stress can help you accomplish tasks and prevent you from getting hurt. For example, stress is what helps you prioritise jobs so you can make a deadline. That's a good thing. It can also be a symptom that you are in danger and need to get out of that situation. 
Our bodies are designed to handle small doses of stress. But, we are not equipped to handle long-term, chronic stress without ill consequences.
Your body and brain put up protective behaviours and mechanisms to protect you from further stress.  Your nervous system and immune system goes into overdrive and the body responds by tensing up.  This is not sustainable for long periods of time and eventually you get burn out.  This can set off an unhealthy cycle as you stop exercising and often turn to pain medication for relief.
The best approach is to find the cause of the problem and fix it. This is best done through multidisciplinary approach.

Watch this short 2 minute video where Priya shares her thoughts around management of chronic pain.

For your personalized check up to see how we can help to ease stress related soreness and injuries, call us today on 98 000 670.



If you’ve ever been in a car accident or any kind of vehicle accident you may have experienced a whiplash type of injury. In fact, this can happen in any forceful rapid motion that sends the head backwards and forwards very quickly.

This is very likely to happen when you are rear-ended in a car accident.

What happens is that your chest and torso continue forward but your head and neck haven’t caught up yet so it snaps backwards and stresses the anterior structures of your neck.

Once your head hits the headrest it flips forward again putting your neck into full flexion and causing stress to the posterior structures of your neck.


You may find you get pain and stiffness in your neck and shoulders, sometimes not immediately; it can happen days after.

If the spinal discs are involved this can put pressure on the nerve and you can get pain in your shoulders or down into your arm.

If you have been in a car accident, please go to your hospital or local GP to get the medical all clear.


The best form of treatment for chronic neck pain is to try to restore your normal range of motion in your neck. We do this by firstly relaxing the muscles and then doing gentle exercises and stretches to restore that motion.

If you always consult a qualified health professional before starting any regime so you’re not placing any extra stress on an already vulnerable neck.

If you want more information or treatment from a Chiropractor in Albany WA, please do not hesitate to get in contact with our team at the Clinic on (08) 98 000 670.