Increase your strength and flexibility with Chiropractic

It is amazing to see the flexibility in kids and how quickly they bounce back from a fall or injury. Unfortunately this changes as we become adults, which is further exacerbated by our sedentary lifestyle, busy lives and increasing age. Loss of strength and flexibility can lead to a lot of pain in our muscles and joint.

Staying strong and flexible is still possible at any age and can also be fun. Evidence shows that strength and flexibility is important for better aging and improving quality of life. Chiropractic care can help.

Chiropractic looks at the motion and function of the spine, which houses part of the central nervous system. The central nervous system is what controls your ability to activate correct muscle groups when doing strength training. An interference to the spine may also impact the ability of the central nervous system to relay proper messages. An adjustment has a direct impact on removing the interference and potentially restoring proper function to the central nervous system via neurological and bio-mechanical input.

A recent study showed that a single session of chiropractic care can increase your strength as much as you would by 3 weeks of strength training. When the brain receives accurate information about what your body is doing it can recruit proper muscles to help improve strength. Not only does this help with strength but may also help improve circulation, improve mood and improve posture.

There are many factors that affect our strength and flexibility. Chiropractors are trained in helping people of all ages reduce pain and improve quality of life.