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Many patients see chiropractors and one major factor influencing there health recovery is…..


When you drink more water the body fluid balance is maintained.

The body composition is about 70-80% water and the brain at approximately 85-90%.

Research has been noted that lowered water consumption may lead to decrease in mental and physical functions, with possible headache symptoms, such as dizziness or fatigue.

When water intake is decreased, your muscles do tend to be more rigid and can be more easily damaged and aggravated, which leads to more aches and pains in the body.

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  1. Keeping a water cup or water bottle with you through out the day will help you greatly with your water intake. Especially after you have had an adjustment to help flush out the toxins.

  2. Try keeping a cup or bottle near your work station to visually stimulate you to drink more

  3. Tea and coffee and soda are not necessarily a good substitute for water and can actually lead to further dehydration

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