What is low back pain
Low back pain is pain that originates from the lumbar spine and pelvis. Most low back pain is due to an injury to the spinal joints or muscles in this area. These types of injuries often happen from falls, weight lifting, being tackled or even maintaining awkward postures. This type of low back pain can be very debilitating and can have a severe impact on your life.
The next most common type of low back pain is from what is commonly called a slipped disc. This type of back pain causes shooting pains into the legs. Luckily, our clinic has the only inversion table in the Great Southern. This table decompresses your low back while the chiropractor is providing traction and imbibition to the discs. Our unique table is awesome at taking that pressure of the discs in the low back.
Chiropractors are experts at the treatment of low back pain, it is our specialty and our bread and butter. We are going to outline the top 5 reasons why you should see a chiropractor for your low back pain in this month's blog. So without further ado let's begin:
It’s effective
Chiropractic care is excellent at treating low back pain, it’s fast and effective. Chiropractic works with the spine which is the cause of most low back pain. As well as taking into account the muscles and nervous system. In order to treat low back pain chiropractors use adjustments to improve the function of your spine, muscles and neurological system. By specifically treating the root cause of your issue we can efficiently manage your pain and restore your function as quickly as possible.This is why it is so effective, the whole picture is taken into account during your treatment. Most people find that within several sessions their pain has greatly improved and they can start to shift their focus into other areas of their life that bring them joy such as hobbies, family and friends. It is amazing what can be achieved when you aren’t in pain.
It’s safe
Chiropractic care as well as being very effective is very safe, it's the whole package. Chiropractic adjustments are natural and work with the body instead of against it. Adjustments help to amplify the body's natural healing process without hindering it in the process. As with all things there are some side effects but they usually are no more than a little soreness in the muscles, similar to getting a firm massage or going to the gym after a long break. These typically will resolve in 24-48hrs and you will feel better than before. In fact a little soreness is a good indicator that your body is changing and the healing process has begun.
Treats the cause not the symptoms
As we have already touched on how your chiropractor makes sure to treat the cause of your low back pain not the symptoms e.g. the pain in your back. Now I know some people will find this strange because we often believe that the cause of our low back pain is right where we feel the most pain. But this is not always the case, sometimes the pain could be due to your back having to compensate for other areas of your body that are not working correctly or from muscles elsewhere in the body that are referring to pain in the lower back. Luckily your chiropractor is highly trained in finding the cause of your pain and treating it. This is often the reason why many people who have tried everything else possible to help cure their pain to no avail are so surprised how well chiropractic is able to help them.
Chiropractic is about as natural as you can get when it comes to helping your lower back pain. Often treatment is as simple as the chiropractor skillfully using nothing other than their own hands with no drugs or surgery required. It is quite remarkable what can be achieved naturally. Whilst this may sound easy it is in fact not easy at all, your chiropractor has spent many years honing and perfecting their adjustments. Thanks to this they are able to provide you with the most efficient and natural treatment. They say the most basic tools take the longest to master but are often the most effective. And luckily for you the chiropractors at Ready set chiro have honed their skills to a fine art and are always committed to giving you the best treatment and outcome possible.
Chiropractic aims to look after the whole body as well as the mind. Your chiropractor will often treat other areas of the body that you may think have nothing to do with your low back pain but are in fact contributing to the root cause. Our bodies are intimately intertwined with each and every other body part, this means that a little problem with one part distant from the body will often create big problems in other areas. Luckily chiropractors are experts at finding this root cause and correcting it, this is one of the reasons so many people have such life changing experiences through their chiropractic journey. Chiropractors excel at educating and creating informed and happy patients, we will teach you strategies to improve your ability to manage your low back and outlook on pain and life.
All in all lower back pain is a very common condition. Luckily chiropractors are experts at treating this condition, there is never a good reason to put up with pain. So don’t hesitate to call the friendly chiropractors at Ready Set Chiro today. We always take the time to listen to you and treat you as a person not a number. Our experience helps us listen to your problem and our questioning will guide us to find out what the body is trying to tell us. We learn a lot from listening to the hints and clues your body gives out.
If you know someone who is suffering with low back pain, make sure to share this blog with them. After all, we all need to be informed about our own health choices and know all the options available to us.
We have talked a lot about pain today but chiropractic is more than just pain relief. If you would like to find out more about the health improving effects of chiropractic make sure to have a chat with our friendly chiropractors today.
Ready Set Chiro
9800 0670